Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2018

Great Crack/Welttierschutzto/Ulrike Weh/ÖSAA/Hot Contact

Ulrike, ich habe mir vorgenommen, dich platt zu machen, doch jetzt bekommst du ein Kind...

Z.B. durch die ÖSAA
Mafia-Ausrottung mit Stumpf und Stiel...
Österreichisches Spezialabwehramt.

"Ja!?" Ratatastech...

Wollen wir nicht hoffen
"Wer?" Ich!

Junger Mann sucht stark libidinöse Frauen oder libidoarme Frau für ne Kiste! "Wer?" "Danke, danke, zu viel der Ehre."

"Dear Welttierschutzto!
Hope you are well, as this letter leaves us.
As you can see we are now living in a youth Hostel in Dublin City, it is great crack. There are some lovely women here and if you go into the dooms you would have an eyefull because they walk around in the nude. They would take no notice of you walking through, because they come down to the men's and they take notice of the men walking around with those big pricks flapping around the place. The women here range from no chain on the tummy to wines and big tits. We have a bit of music, but not much. We go to see films that night, not reach Link. For the next 12 months." Der Blockverlierer...

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